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3 Advantages of QR Codes for Security

In today’s ever evolving world, security is always at the forefront of a small (or large) business owner’s mind. From ensuring products and information are kept safe, to guaranteeing a secure building, every business owner wants the most reliable, effective, and most cost-efficient way to maintain their business security.

And QR codes can help.

With this burgeoning new ability, QR codes have become one of today’s top methods of transferring data, accessing information, or getting signed up for memberships. But did you know QR codes can increase security, give you more flexibility, and trim down your monthly costs?

Want to know more? Here’s 3 simple ways QR code scanning can enhance your security.

What Is A QR Code?

If you’re not exactly sure what a QR code is, it’s a simple, fast way to scan a code with your phone, or have a scanner read a code off of your phone. These are uniquely generated codes that can be scanned to upload information, or as in the case of security, to act as a key to gain access.

Once your phone receives the code, you use the scanner on the door in order to get in. These codes can be generated daily, weekly, monthly – whatever you need. All the while giving you the information as to who is signing in, what time, and how often.

But there’s more!

Cost Effective

One of the most appealing aspects of the QR code as part of your security system is the minimal cost. Where before businesses needed to make keys, monitor who had what keys, as well as generate ID cards and install ID card readers – now all those costs are gone. No more worry about lost or misplaced keys or making new ID cards for new employees. Now, employees must simply have their phone with them and they can gain access to the building. Easy, secure, and reliable.

And with the ease it brings for employees, it also helps your wallet. QR code scanners are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. They require less hardware and overall maintenance than a standard card reader and are more secure due to the complexity of a QR code. They start increasing security and decreasing costs the minute they are installed.

Heightens security

Besides bringing an ease to your employee sign in, QR code scanners can also heighten your security measures. Because employees have to use their phone, and the system stores sign in information, you can keep track of who entered the building, at what time, and at what entrance. This not only helps hold everyone accountable, but gives peace of mind that you can easily access information much more precisely than with old fashioned keys and ID cards.

And did you know a QR code is more secure than a conventional bar code? Traditional bar codes that are typically on an ID card are one-dimensional, can hold 43 characters, and are not very unique. And that just names a few of their flaws.

But QR Codes are 2-dimensoal, hold up to 2500 characters, and are unique in each of their automatic code generations.

They’re precise, easy to monitor, and a higher level of security – what more could you need?


Aside from increasing your overall security, QR codes offer more flexibility as a business owner. While codes can be generated daily for employee use, they can also be set for a limited period of time, for a specific number of uses, or even to permit access to different parts of the building. This enables the business owner to monitor uses as well as change them quickly and easily when the need arises.

  • Out of the office for a week? Let certain employees gain access to other parts of the building to keep things running smoothly.

  • Have a cleaning crew that comes in routinely? They can have their own special code. Contractors coming in for office repairs? They have their unique code and you can set it up for however often they may need in.

No more stress over lost keys and locked doors. Employees and hired workers are one scan away from a secure and safe entrance into the building, keeping your business up and running and secure.

Don’t Wait

When it comes to security, QR codes are a no-brainer. With their cost-efficiency, ease of use, flexibility and multiple ways to utilize them, it’s no wonder they’re increasingly rapidly in the security industry.

So don’t wait! Call Herringbone Security Solutions, LLC today, and see how our security consultation can show you how a QR code scanner fits into your business’s security plan. Don’t wait, start tomorrow off with the best security you can offer for the business you’re so proud of.

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