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Why Do I Need A Home Security System?

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Why do I need a home security system?

What does security mean to you? Well, with the recent increase in crime in the US each year, you may have started wondering if a security system is right for you and your home.

And you would be right.

There’s never been a better time to install a home security system. With today’s advanced technology it’s never been simpler to add wireless devices to your home for self, or company, monitoring. Whether you want a visible monitor or something with smart phone connectivity, you can easily be alerted and aware of what’s going on in and outside of your home. With crime on the rise, and the ease of technology today, there’s no reason not to protect your home and your loved ones with the best home security system.

You may never get broken into, but you’ll never regret being prepared in case you do.

But if you’re still on the fence, here are just 3 reasons why a home security system is a must.

Normal Isn’t Enough

Do you lock your doors every night? Fasten all the windows before bed? How about turning on porch lights? Almost every responsible home owner does these simple steps to ensure home safety. And while all these sound like good deterrents for possible intruders, they really aren’t enough anymore. According to POLICE Advice more than 50% of burglaries happen through the front door. That’s right. If an intruder wants in, breaking your lock is quite honestly the easiest way to gain quick access.

So what’s the answer? One step in the right direction is a smart lock. With Herringbone Security Solutions, LLC, we walk you through various varieties and brands that offer a smart lock for your front door. Not only do these make it more difficult for intruders to gain access to your home, they allow you to monitor your front step from virtually anywhere.

So no more stress about whether you locked up before you left for work – with a quick visit to your app you can not only lock your door, but check to make sure things are alright.

Too Much Privacy

You can’t have too much privacy – right? Well, there’s actually a chance you might! And it starts at your fence line. If you have a high fences surrounding your property, or enclosed or vinyl fences, you could be producing pockets of shade that make great hiding spots for potential intruders trying to stay hidden. There’s nothing wrong with fences – they’re a great initial preventive, but knowing how they affect your property in the dark is crucial to ensuring your home remains safe.

So what to do? Let Herringbone Security Solutions, LLC walk through your property with our security consultation, and we’ll make sure those lurking pockets of darkness are illuminated through motion sensor lights that will not only delay or frighten intruders, but are a second set of eyes always watching so you don’t have too.

Alarm Systems

Alarm systems are a great thing – but only when they’re working properly. Did you know most alarm system software needs to be updated regularly to fix bugs and introduce new features? You don’t want to miss out on that! Routinely checking on your alarm system –

or trusting Herringbone Security Solutions, LLC to perform their annual check on your home – will ensure you stay up to date and ready.

And many companies simply install a security system, but don’t fully explain all the ins and outs of the operating system. With many brands there can by multiple monitoring options with timers and delays, etc. There can be troubleshooting issues, or simply learning what the best automated schedule would be for your home, depending on the hours you and your family keep. Herringbone Security Solutions, LLC takes that next step to ensure you’ve got the most up to date system and the confidence to use your home security system - leaving you fully protected.

Herringbone Security Solutions, LLC Helps You

These are just a few things to judge when considering your home security system. Because each home is unique, let Herringbone Security Solutions, LLC take its personalized approach to ensure your home is secure. With years of experience, we’re ready to take your home to the next level of safe. We know what to look for, how to fix it, and how to present you with the best brands for home security systems and a security plan that will leave you satisfied and safe.

Call us today, and see how Herringbone Security Solutions, LLC can start tackling your home security system problems!

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